10 Digital Strategies for B2B Marketing for Technology Companies

Discover easy-to-follow B2B marketing strategies for tech companies. Learn about content, email, SEO, brand, social media, ads, PPC, ABM, H2H, and influencer marketing in simple terms to boost your business!

10 Digital Strategies for B2B Marketing for Technology Companies

B2B marketing for tech companies is like a big puzzle that keeps changing. We're here to help, whether you're new or already know your way around. This year, we've got ten great strategies to share with you. In the world of technology, it's hard to stand out, especially when you're selling to other businesses instead of regular people. To do well, you need to understand what your product is and who might want to buy it, use facts to make decisions, and be creative when making things like ads and articles. If you focus on what your product is, use facts to make choices, and make interesting stuff, you'll be on the right track to growing your business in B2B tech marketing.

10 Marketing Strategies for Tech Companies

These B2B strategies are the top picks for tech companies to attract new business this year.

Content marketing

Content marketing (image via google)

Good content is really important for business marketing. You can make people interested, teach them, and make them want to do something with the right content. Storytelling is the trick to making great content. If you tell a story about your product or service, it makes it easier for people to understand and connect with it. Whether it's blogs, reports, or stories about past successes, make sure what you share is helpful and fits with what your brand is about.

Email marketing

Email marketing (image via google)

Email is important for tech companies. Lots of people use email. You can talk directly to your audience with email. You own your email list. It's not like other platforms. Building an email list takes time. But it's worth it. Email marketing is not hard or expensive. Use the right tools. Email helps you share what's good about your company. Segment your emails for better results. Be positive and friendly in emails. Keep them short. Highlight what's good about your company. Avoid sending e-blasts. They're not good. Instead, send targeted emails.

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO)

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) (image via google)

Is SEO still important? Definitely! Around 82% of B2B buyers start their search on Google. SEO helps you rank high without paying for ads. It shows what people are searching for and gives you an edge over competitors. A company saw huge organic traffic growth by focusing on keywords. SEO tools like Ahrefs and Semrush help track progress. It takes time and effort but brings real results in the long run.

Brand Recognition

Brand Recognition (image via google)

In online marketing, B2B companies often forget about their brand, but having a strong brand is really important because it helps people know about your good product. Studies show a good brand makes sales easier and keeps customers loyal. A good reputation affects almost 40% of B2B buying choices. To build a strong brand, you need trust, which takes time. You can make people notice your brand by sharing interesting stories and showing your brand's unique personality.

Social Media

Social Media (image via google)

Social media is where you can find people and make friends. You can do this on your own page or your company's page. People can share your stuff easily with others. Dark social is sharing stuff privately, like through messages. B2B companies mostly use LinkedIn and Twitter. Video works well on LinkedIn, and it's good to give helpful advice.


Advertising (image via google)

Your tech company can advertise in different places like tech websites, social media such as LinkedIn, Google Ads, and by retargeting online. Advertising helps tell people about your tech services and makes your company more well-known. Use LinkedIn and tech-focused ads for better results and less cost. Google Ads can help you reach tricky audiences, but try different ads to see what works best. Every type of advertising works differently for each tech company, depending on budget, goals, and the type of tech you're selling.

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising

PPC (pay-per-click) advertising (image via google)

PPC means paying for ads to show up in searches. It helps get people to click on your website. A company, we use PPC for two things: making people aware of our brand on social media and getting them to buy on Google. Canberk Beker, our PPC boss, says we spend most of our money on making people aware, but we focus on getting sales. Half of our sales come from ads. We only care about ads that lead to sales. If you want more sales, don't forget about PPC. PPC is crucial for B2B marketing success!

Account-based marketing (ABM)

Account-based marketing (ABM) (image via google)

Account based marketing (ABM) in B2B digital marketing is all about focusing on key clients and personalizing marketing efforts for them, leading to more revenue and larger deals according to most marketers. ABM involves sales and marketing teams collaborating to select top accounts and using specialized software to deliver tailored ads across various platforms, ensuring messages connect with the targeted audience.

Human-to-human (H2H) marketing

Human-to-human (H2H) marketing (image via google)

Marketing to people rather than using fancy techniques is important for tech companies. Remember, you're talking to real humans, not robots. Make them feel understood and cared for. Find out what problems they have and show understanding. People buy based on emotions, even in business. Don't be boring, talk like a regular person and share stories. That's the key to successful human-to-human marketing.

Influencer marketing

Influencer marketing (image via google)

B2B influencer marketing is growing fast, not just for B2C. About 40% of B2B marketers plan to use it more. Customers often ask experts before buying. Influencers bring loyalty, credibility, and influence. Choose influencers who understand your customers. They should talk confidently about their problems and be where your customers are online. Our team hires people to create lots of content, not just go to occasional webinars. It's important to keep sharing content regularly in B2B tech marketing. Like speaking at events, hosting podcasts, making short videos, and posting on social media.

B2B vs B2C Marketing

B2B vs B2C Marketing (image via google)


B2B Marketing

B2C Marketing

Target Audience

Businesses and organizations

Individual consumers


Coworking spaces, marketing software companies

E-commerce sites, clothing stores

Purchase Focus

Efficiency, ROI

Deals, entertainment




Decision Makers

Multiple decision-makers involved

Usually decided by individual shopper

Purchase Process

Often involves account managers and salespeople

Direct purchases


Long-term solutions, longer sales cycles, relationships with companies

Immediate needs, shorter-term solutions


Companies may serve both individual shoppers and businesses

Companies may serve both businesses and individual e-commerce sellers


B2B marketers can learn from B2C campaigns

B2C marketers can learn from B2B campaigns

B2B marketing targets businesses, focusing on efficiency and logic, while B2C marketing targets individual consumers, highlighting emotion and immediate needs. Both sectors intersect, and marketers can learn valuable lessons from each other's strategies.


B2B marketing for tech companies is like solving a puzzle. You need to understand your product, make smart choices, and be creative with ads. The ten strategies we talked about are like a map for success: telling stories, sending emails, getting noticed on Google, building trust with your brand, using social media, advertising wisely, paying for clicks, personalizing for key clients, talking to people like humans, and teaming up with experts. Remember, B2B focuses on logic, while B2C is more about feelings, but both can learn from each other.


What is B2B marketing?

B2B marketing is when a business sells to another business.

Why is content marketing important?

Good stories about your product make people interested. Share blogs and reports.

How can email marketing help tech companies?

Emails let you talk to customers directly. Share good things about your company in short, friendly emails.

Why should tech companies care about SEO?

SEO helps people find your website on Google. It brings more visitors without paying for ads.

What is the difference between B2B and B2C marketing?

B2B is selling to businesses. B2C is selling to regular people. B2B focuses on logic. B2C focuses on feelings.