Starting a Fingerprinting Business in 8 Simple Steps

Learn simple steps to launch your fingerprinting business! Understand the basics, from finding customers to choosing equipment. Discover the difference between old-style ink fingerprinting and the modern, clean live scan method.

Starting a Fingerprinting Business in 8 Simple Steps

Welcome to fingerprinting! We help people start fingerprinting businesses. We take fingerprint pictures for jobs, safety, IDs, immigration, and solving crimes. We use ink and paper or a special machine. The machine is more popular now. After taking fingerprints, we send them for checks.

Join us to learn how to start a fingerprinting business! We're here to help you.

Starting a Fingerprinting Business in Simple Steps

Step 1: Market Research

Before starting, find out if people near you need fingerprinting. Learn the rules because it’s important to follow them to avoid problems.

Look around your town to see if people or businesses need fingerprinting. Check local business lists to see how many might need it. Ask people at courts, government offices, or companies if they use fingerprinting. Also, check online on LinkedIn or Reddit to learn more about what businesses need.

Step 2: Write a Business Plan

A business plan is like a guide for your business. It tells you what to do. First, decide your goals: what do you want your business to do, what will you sell, and for how much? Then, share your plan with others, like partners or investors, so they know your ideas.

Step 3: Financial Projections

Beginning a business requires cash. You might need to borrow some from a bank or use your own savings. Banks can lend you money, but they might ask you to put in some of your own money too.

Step 4: Location and Facilities

Think about whether your business will stay in one spot or if you'll go to different places. You don't have to have a big store all the time. Sometimes you can use space with other businesses.

Step 5: Register Your Business

To start your business right, first, make it official by registering it legally. This shows you're allowed to run it. Next, choose a name for your business and check if it's available online. Lastly, know the rules for your business type. Some may need extra licenses or registrations, so it's important to understand what's required.

Step 6: Equipment and Technology

To do fingerprinting, you need special tools. Think about what you need and buy good quality. Choose carefully: Pick tools that are good quality and will last. You can start with basic ones and get more later.

Step 7: Marketing and Branding

Tell everyone you're ready to do business. You can do it on the internet, face-to-face, or team up with other businesses. First, make a website that talks about what you do and how to get in touch. Then, use Facebook or Instagram to tell people about your business and what's happening. Finally, go to events or groups nearby to meet possible customers or partners.

Step 8: Ready to Begin

Make sure you're safe and organized before starting your business. Get insurance to protect your business, track your money with simple tools, have written contracts with other businesses to avoid issues, and hire knowledgeable employees if needed. Remember, starting a business takes time, but following these steps will prepare your fingerprinting business for success!

Live Scan vs. Ink Fingerprint: What's the Difference?

For a long time, fingerprints have been used to identify people. Before, they used ink and rolls to take fingerprints. Now, there's a new way called live scan fingerprinting. What's the difference between these two methods?

Ink Fingerprint Live Scan Fingerprint
Rub ink on surface with roller and press fingers on paper Place fingers on glass, scan, and send instantly
May cause smudging or smearing No mess or errors
Digitize and encrypt before sending Directly send to authorities
If unclear, repeat process Easily retake for clarity
Stains hands with ink Leaves hands clean


In conclusion, starting a fingerprinting business can be a good idea if you follow simple steps. First, check if people nearby need fingerprinting. Then, make a plan for your business and think about money. Choose a place for your business and register it legally. Get the right tools and tell everyone about your business. Before you start, make sure everything is safe and organized. Also, understand the difference between old ink fingerprinting and new live scan technology. Live scan is faster and cleaner. By doing these things carefully, your fingerprinting business can be successful.


  1. Why should I start a fingerprinting business?

    • Starting a fingerprinting business can make money because people need fingerprints for jobs, IDs, and other reasons.
  2. What do I need to start a fingerprinting business?

    • You need to do some research, make a plan, find a place to work, register your business, get the right tools, and tell people about your business.
  3. What's the difference between ink fingerprinting and live scan fingerprinting?

    • Ink fingerprinting uses messy ink and paper, while live scan is cleaner and sends fingerprints digitally without ink.
  4. How do I know if people in my area want fingerprinting services?

    • Look around and ask people if they need fingerprints. Check online and talk to local businesses and offices.
  5. How can I tell people about my business?

    • Make a simple website, use social media like Facebook, talk to other businesses, and join local events to let people know you're open for fingerprinting business.