Easy Steps to Finding Your Google Business Profile ID

Learn why your Google Business Profile ID is crucial and how to find it easily. Follow simple steps to manage your online presence, attract customers, and boost your business on Google.

Easy Steps to Finding Your Google Business Profile ID

If you own a business and have a Google Business Profile, you need to know your ID. This ID helps verify your profile for Google Maps and other Google services. Your Google Business Profile helps customers find you online. Knowing your profile ID is important for using third-party tools, managing reviews, and boosting your local SEO. Don’t worry, we'll show you how to find it easily.

What is a Google My Business (GMB) ID and Why is it Important?

According to Google, a Google Business Profile ID is a special number that Google gives to your business to keep track of it. This ID helps make sure your business information is correct and stands out from others with the same name.

Knowing your ID helps you manage your profile, use Google services, and fix problems. It's also needed to prove you own the business, so it shows up on Google Maps and in search results. If you work with a local SEO expert, they might need this ID to connect their services to your profile.

How to Find Your Google Business Profile ID

Here’s a simple steps to find this ID.

Step 1: Go to Google Business Profile Manager

First, make sure you're logged into your Google account that's linked with your business. Then, head to the Google Business Profile Manager website at https://www.google.com/business/. Here, you'll see all the listings for your business under your account.

Step 2: Choosing Your Business

First, pick the business you want to find the ID for. If you look after more than one business, make sure you choose the right one so things don't get mixed up later.

Step 3: Finding Your Business Profile ID

To find your Business Profile ID, first, look for three dots near where it says “Your business on Google”. Click on those dots, then select “Business Profile Settings”, followed by “Advanced Settings”. In Advanced Settings, you’ll see your unique “Business Profile ID”.

Step 4: Finding Your Place ID with Google Maps

To find your business on Google Maps, you can use a tool called the Place ID Finder. It's part of Google Maps. Just go to this website: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/places/web-service/place-id. Once there, type your business name or address in the search box. As you type, suggestions will show up below. Choose your business from these suggestions. That's it!

Steps 5: Find Your Place ID

After you pick your business, the tool will show you a Place ID, which is a long string of letters and numbers. This ID is like your business's special code. Make sure you copy it exactly right because it's super important for any fancy tech stuff like integrations or API calls.

What is the Google My Business ID used for?

The Google My Business ID is like a special code for your business on Google. It helps when you need to talk to Google. But if you don't have it, don't worry, Google can still find your business. Sometimes, when you ask for help, Google might ask for your ID, especially if there are problems with your business on Google Maps or Google My Business, like having more than one profile. So, having your ID can help fix those issues.

Easy Tips for Your Google Business Profile ID

Secure Your ID: Your Google Business Profile ID is like a special tag for your business. It's not a secret like a password, but it's smart to be careful about who you share it with.

How to Use It: Your GBP ID can help you do cool stuff, like putting your Google reviews on your website, directly linking to your Google Maps listing, or using fancy Google features.

Save Time with Bookmarking: If you're always needing your GBP ID or have lots of listings to manage, bookmark the Place ID Finder tool. It'll make things quicker and easier for you.


Now that you know how to find your Google My Business Profile ID, it's super important to use it to connect your business with other Google stuff. Doing this helps make your business look trustworthy online and brings in more local customers. Having a verified profile with the right ID not only shows off your business better but also helps more people find you on Google Search and Maps. Plus, it unlocks cool features like adding photos, responding to reviews, and understanding your customers better.


1. Why do I need a Google Business Profile ID for my business?

Having a Google Business Profile ID is like having a special online address for your business. It helps people find you easily and makes sure the information about your business is correct.

2. What's my Google user ID number?

Your Google user ID number is like a special code just for you. It helps Google keep track of your account and keeps it safe.

3. How do I get my Google ID or URL?

First, make a Google account. Then, when you're signed in, you'll see your ID at the top of your profile page.

4. Is a Google Business Profile free?

Yes, it's totally free! Having one helps people find info about your business online.

5. Do I need a Google Business Profile?

Yes, it's really important! It helps people find your business online, especially if you have a store.