Exploring the World of Fresh Cops: Meet the Brave Hearts of Policing

Discover the stories of PC Jake Bull and PC Philippa Blakely, young cops from Leicestershire Police. Learn how they're changing policing and making communities safer.

Exploring the World of Fresh Cops: Meet the Brave Hearts of Policing

In the world of keeping communities safe, there's a powerful approach called "Community Policing". Meet PC Jake Bull and PC Philippa Blakely from Leicestershire Police. They're part of this approach, which involves cops working closely with people in the community. Let's dive into their stories to see how they're making a difference as modern-day cops.

A Day in the Life: How Fresh Cops Roll

Community Policing (image via google)

On a bustling Saturday night in Leicestershire, you'll find PC Jake Bull, a 26-year-old police officer who is passionate about bringing justice to those in need. He belongs to the Response Unit, always prepared to handle emergencies and tackle crimes. From burglaries to unexpected deaths, Jake confronts various challenges with bravery.

For Jake, the most rewarding aspect of his job is restoring justice for victims. Whether it involves apprehending suspects or utilizing CCTV footage to crack cases, Jake finds fulfillment in assisting people.

Meanwhile, PC Philippa Blakely patrols the same area. At just 23 years old, she is new to the police force but is already encountering difficult situations. From instances of domestic violence to confrontations with aggressive individuals, Philippa is gaining valuable experience in managing diverse scenarios.

Police Accountability and Transparency:

In today's society, people want police to be responsible and honest. They want them to show what they're doing and be responsible if they do something wrong. This means things like using body cameras, having regular people oversee the police, and telling the public about what police are doing. Police are trying harder to do these things to make sure people trust them and feel safe in their neighborhoods. This approach is often referred to as "Community Policing."

Behind the Scenes: The Reality of Policing

Community Policing (image via google)

In the world of policing, it's not just about catching criminals. PC Jake Bull knows this firsthand. He's dealt with tough cases involving child exploitation and county lines, facing the harsh realities of crime. Despite the challenges, Jake remains committed to delivering justice.

However, being a police officer goes beyond solving crimes. There's the constant struggle of how the public views law enforcement. Jake notices a lot of negativity, particularly on social media, towards the police. Yet, he believes that most people don't truly despise the police; they simply fail to recognize the positive impact officers have on their communities every single day.

This aspect of policing is known as "Community Policing," where officers like Jake work to build trust and positive relationships with the people they serve, ensuring safety and cooperation within the community.

Building Trust: How Cops Connect with Communities

Community Policing (image via google)

In Community Policing, building trust between the police and the public is super important. Chief Inspector Andy Cooke thinks so too. He sees that there's some tension between the police and the people, and it's a real issue.

For officers like PC Jake Bull and PC Philippa Blakely, gaining trust is a major part of their work. They want folks to feel safe approaching them, knowing they're there to offer support, not harm. They're all about being honest and taking responsibility, especially when things get difficult.

Empowering Change: Women in Policing

Community Policing (image via google)

In a world where most cops are men, PC Philippa Blakely stands out. She's part of Community Policing, where cops work closely with people in neighborhoods to keep them safe.

Philippa is proud to be a female cop. She's breaking stereotypes by showing that anyone, regardless of gender, can be a great officer.

It's not easy for women in a job mostly done by men, but Philippa sees it as a chance to inspire others. She believes in herself and wants to prove that women can be just as tough and capable cops as men.


Community Policing is about officers like PC Jake Bull and PC Philippa Blakely, along with their friends, showing us what the future of policing is like. They're brave, dedicated, and are making a real difference in their roles as police officers. They work hard to solve crimes and earn the trust of the people in their neighborhoods. By continuing their efforts, they're encouraging more individuals to join in and make our world a safer place for everyone.


What do I need to be a police officer?

To be a police officer, you usually need a high school diploma. You might also need extra training. You have to pass some tests and go to police school.

What do police officers do?

Police officers keep people safe and make sure laws are followed. They drive around, answer calls for help, investigate problems, and sometimes arrest people.

How do I call the police in an emergency?

If there's an emergency, call 999. Tell them what's happening and where you are. Stay on the phone and listen to what they say.

What should I do if the police stop me?

If the police stop you, stay calm and do what they say. Keep your hands where they can see them. Give them your ID if they ask. Be polite and ask questions if you don't understand.

How can I be friends with the police?

You can be friends with the police by joining community events, going to meetings, and talking to them. If you see something wrong, tell them. They're there to help.