Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News? Let's See!

Explore how your company blog can be featured on Google News. Learn simple rules, like clear dates and author info, to boost visibility. Follow our easy guide and let your news shine!

Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News? Let's See!
Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News? (image by

In today's digital world, getting your company blog on Google News can boost your website traffic and make your brand look trustworthy. But can a company blog get into Google News? This article will explain the rules for company blogs to be in Google News and give you simple tips to help you get featured.

Understanding Google News and Its Benefits

Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News (image by

Google News is a place where people find the latest news from many sources. It's important for your company blog because it can help you reach more readers, bring more visitors to your website, and make more money from ads.

Google’s View on Company Blogs in Google News

Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News (image by

John Mueller from Google said that company blogs can be in Google News. He works on Search, not directly on Google News, but he believes there’s nothing in the rules that stops company blogs from being included. To be sure, you can ask the News publisher help community or check your Search Console to see if your pages are shown in Google News.

Google News Content Rules

Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News (image by

Google News has rules to follow for getting your blog accepted. Even if these rules are not just for company blogs, they help make your blog better. Here are some key points:

Clear Dates and Authors

Each article should show when it was published and who wrote it. This makes your blog more trustworthy.

Author, Publication, and Publisher Info

Tell your readers about the authors, where the article was published, and who published it. This helps build trust.

Company or Network Info

Share information about your company or the network behind the blog. This gives readers context and shows your authority.

Contact Information

Include contact details so readers can reach you with questions or for collaboration. This shows you are open to engaging with your audience.

Following these simple rules can help your blog get noticed by Google News.

Getting Your Company Blog into Google News

Can Your Business Blog Appear on Google News (image by

Now, let's see how you can get your company blog featured in Google News.

1. Write High-Quality News Content

To get into Google News, your blog must have top-notch news content. Here’s how:

  • Focus on timely and important topics.
  • Provide accurate and well-researched information.
  • Write professionally with no grammar mistakes.
  • Follow journalistic standards.

2. Optimize Your Blog for Google News

Make your blog better for Google News with these tips:

  • Use clear and catchy headlines that match your article.
  • Add relevant keywords in headlines and content to be more visible in search results.
  • Use structured data markup like NewsArticle schema to help Google understand your content.
  • Include high-quality images and videos to make articles more engaging.
  • Ensure your blog loads quickly to improve user experience and rankings.

3. Submit Your Blog to Google Publisher Center

Submit your blog to the Google Publisher Center. This helps Google know about your blog and gives you useful insights about its performance.

4. Build External Credibility

Strengthen your blog’s credibility to improve chances of inclusion:

  • Work with reputable news sources. Guest post or contribute articles to respected publications.
  • Earn backlinks from trusted websites to show Google that your content is valuable and reliable. Focus on quality backlinks from industry-related sites.


Getting your company blog on Google News can bring more people to your website and make your brand trusted. Focus on writing good news, making your blog better for Google News, and showing other websites you're trustworthy. This helps Google notice your blog, bringing more readers and helping your business grow.


Can my company blog be on Google News?

Yes, your blog can be on Google News if it follows the rules.

Why should my blog be on Google News?

It brings more visitors to your website and makes your brand trusted.

What are the main rules for Google News?

Show dates, authors, company info, and contact details on your blog.

How can I make my blog better for Google News?

Write good news, use catchy headlines, add keywords, and include good images and videos.

What should I do after making my blog better?

Submit your blog to Google Publisher Center and build trust with other websites.